Board Minutes May 2018
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
Board of Directors
15 May 2018 Minutes
Called to order by President Linda Goff at 1810
Present: Paula Schwartz, Leona Rubin, Bettie Harvey, Linda Goff, Lilly Mueller, Sandra Dietz, Alan Chodorow, Richard Melzer, Stu Simon, Sarah Winger, Dianne Layden, Anne McCormick
New Member Guest: Lilly Mueller
Guests: Erica Rimson, Director of Jewish Community Foundation “Life and Legacy Program”
*Guest Presentation: Life and Legacy Program, Erica Rimson
Presented information on the national program sponsored by Harold Grinspoon Foundation. This program partners with 52 communities across the US, to provide support and training to increase community tools and momentum to solicit after life donations. Selection into partnership was competitive, NM was selected for opportunities, local communities and NM Jewish Federation offers ⅔ of financial support, Grinspoon Foundation adds ⅓. Estimated value of future gifts, 672 Million Dollars, 52 Partnering Communities, 558 Partnering Organizations, nearly 18,000 legacy commitments to date.
Donor focused program, 4 years long
First Goal: 18 Letters of Intent in one year to earn $5,000 incentive
Primary Sources of Commitments: Legacy Team Members, Board Members
Foundation will do an annual celebration, articles in The Link, will create buzz in the community
Gifts need to be for endowment, Endowment fund will be held at the NM Jewish Foundation
*Alan and Dianne agreed to host a “Living Room” Discussion to be held in Albuquerque in July *Linda and Lance Bell will host a similar event in late July in Santa Fe.
Challah Rising In the Desert Update by Paula Schwartz
Thanked the BOD for confidence, goodwill and appreciates the honor of nomination and approval Hurst Award. Announces that Challah Rising project is completed, in distribution and is fascinated by response of local community that heard about film via out of state relatives. Paula labels this film as a “Who’s Who of NM.” In March, film was screened in San Diego at the Latino Film Festival, and director of the Festival approached Paula and Isaac Artenstein to solicit a submission for proposal for a 90-minute documentary with Isaac Artensiten.
Brings to our attention that she is “an outreach arm” and mentions that she distributes NMJHS membership information.
Approval of February BOD minutes
*Motion made by Alan, Stu seconded, all approved without revisions
President Report
*Written Copy submitted by Linda
*Linda announces plan to meet Dennis Reinhartz to discuss a joint program with HSNM in the near future.
Linda is now serving on Federation Board for a three- year term
Membership Report
*Written Copy submitted by Sandy
*Review of current report: almost 300 members
(Not including 34 people on the list current remembers that have not responded to requests to renew. Anne will scan and send list of members to BOD members for outreach to renew. Last attempt to reach will include front page of The Legacy with a “You don’t want to miss this!” message.
Lilley suggested exploring bylaws to extend members with past due accounts to continue to receive correspondence beyond 6 months, suggested extending timeline to 1 year. Linda explained process for people continuing to receive email notifications.
Financial Report
*Written Report Submitted by Alan
*Presented Statement of Activities and Statement of Position
P&L statement indicates NMJHS is financially sound, as of end of March, $78,000 in principal cash asset. (increase 36% and $19,231 in first quarter)
*Reality Check services will be terminated following the delivery of June 2018 report due to their work schedule (work for NMJHS was completed every other Monday in the afternoon, time delay was not acceptable) and platform was not adequate to offer all necessary division of cost centers.
Bookkeeping Firms that offered proposals have note not been notified, Alan will inform BOD via email of who new Bookkeeping Firm will be. New firm will allow more adequate and flexible division of cost centers currently planned to include:
Administration, Fall Conference, Membership, Grants, Special Programs
Linda has informed Reality Check and Alan has been re-elected to board of B’nai Israel
Secretary Report
*Anne has been working on membership, Humanities Council and Archives grant, hopes to continue
Legacy Report
*Written Report Submitted by Dianne Layden
*Women of the Holocaust Article by Dianne Layden has been honored by NM Press Women
*Spring Issue of the Legacy in mailboxes by 30 May
*Summer issues will include Articles by Zach, Article on Justin Ferate
*Fall issue scheduled to arrive in mailboxes in late October. Winter issue in mailboxes February
The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Fall Conference
Many proposals have been submitted, Keynote speaker will be Rebecca Rossen from UT Austin, will do an interactive presentation that will focus on Jewish Identity through Dance.
Fall Conference will be 10-11 November at Sheraton Uptown
Tentative Schedule:
Challah Rising Preview on Friday evening following services at local synagogues
Saturday Morning: tour of Jewish Albuquerque led by Naomi Sandweiss, author of Jews of Albuquerque
Lunch on your own
Program begins approx. 1 pm
Saturday afternoon programming to be determined
Pre-dinner reception including light appetizers including wine and beer tickets, cash bar
Plated Dinner and entertainment by Rebbe’s Orchestra, raffle and silent auction
Sunday Morning
Coffee and Bagels for conference attendees, those staying at the hotel have breakfast on their own and breakfast and there are various, local restaurants nearby
Sunday will begin program with Veterans Day Remembrance
2018-2019 Upcoming Programs
Reviewed List of upcoming programs
3 June Annual Meeting
Humanities Council Grant Panel
Nominating Committee
Stu circulated slate for 2018-2019 officers, proposed new members and members leaving the board. Stu would like approval for slate of 4 new members, officers and perhaps Suzie Citron in the future.
Would like to add Rob Martinez as ex-officio/non-voting member. Stu believes it to be beneficial that have a member of the State Historian’s office.
Paula would like to make a motion to set up ex-officio, Seconded by Stu,
>Discussion included changing bylaws before filing position, taking bylaws change to the members at annual meeting
> Discussion also includes approving adding position of NM Historical member, not necessarily Rob Martinez
Stu offered motion to label “interim step to creation of position for Rob Martinez ……………”
All present in favor except Richard
Nay-Opposed, by Richard
Dianne requests information related to past changes to bylaws.
Speakers Bureau
Richard program Swastikas in NM in Las Cruces
Naomi Congregation Beit Tikva, “Jewish Gangsters”
Per Diem and Hotel stay for Richard and Naomi will be funded by Speakers Bureau line item in NMJHS budget
Beit Tikva will pay gas for Naomi to and from Albuquerque
Committee List
Linda requests that BOD members review for accuracy and complete lists
Stu requests that executive committee be added to complete list
Dianne thanks Ed Goff for the photos for pictures
Sharon Niederman will cover talk at CU Boulder will take photos and
John Rivers also for taking pictures
Consider buying small digital video and audio recorder for family histories
Motion to adjourn: Dianne
Meeting Adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.